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Dorian Antešić

An entrepreneurial spirit with low time preference focused on studying finance, economics & philosophy to build family wealth and create a better future for generations to come.

About Me

Economist, Investor & Consultant.

I am interested in the well-being of individuals and their families.

Focused on building Family Wealth.

My main fields of interest and research are:

▸Digital Assets Ecosystem (e.g. bitcoin)

▸The concept of Family Wealth

▸Philosophy (mainly Stoicism)

Dorian Antesic award ceremony
Dorian Antesic profile

Finance, Economics & Philosophy

Educate yourself to find ways for a more prosperous life.

Dorian Antesic profile

Low time preference

Delay gratification and put more priority on the needs of the future.

Dorian Antesic profile

Family Wealth

Build family wealth that will secure a good life for many generations to come.

Find joy in the happiness of the world that has not yet been born.


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Let me help you

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Bitcoin consulting

1-on-1 online education and consultation that will teach you about bitcoin, its philosophy, how bitcoin works, how to buy it and secure it.

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Virtual Assistant

Let me help you run your business. If you need an extra hand for a project or business advice, I can be of service.

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Are you interested in building wealth that will last for generations? I write personal e-letters about finance, economics & philosophy that I send directly to your email inbox.


Dorian Antešić

Čuvajte se lihvara - Facebook stranice za kredit | Dorian Antešić

Autor: Dorian Antešić

Zbog loše ekonomske situacije u državi, mnogo ljudi je prisiljeno financijsku pomoć potražiti kod neprovjerenih i nelegalnih osoba koja obećavaju niske kamatne stope i visoki iznos dostupnog kapitala. Pazite se tih osoba!


Naše riječi = naš portfelj | Dorian Antešić

Autor: Dorian Antešić

Prilikom investiranja, investitor bi trebao dobro analizirati poziciju koju misli uzeti u odnosu na imovinu - kupnja ili prodaja. Dok analizira on čita razne materijale kako bi došao do zaključka. Osim svojih analiza, on proučava sadržaj drugih investitora. Što pričaju i pišu, ali ponajviše - što rade sa svojim novcem. Upravo o činjenju s novcem ovdje ću se koncentrirati da obrazložim svoje stavove prema ljudima/investitorima i onome što oni pričaju.

Dorian Antešić

Investicija ili kredit? Koji izvor financiranja je najbolji za poduzeće | Dorian Antešić

Autor: Dorian Antešić

Investicija od fonda ili privatne osobe i kreditiranje od banke predstavljaju dvije vrste financiranja poduzeća ili projekta - financiranje uz predaju vlasničkog udjela i zaduživanje uz plaćanje kamate. Ova dva načina stavlja se u istu poziciju u pitanju kako financirati poslovni pothvat, ali kroz tekst ćemo objasniti da ta dva načina nije poželjno ili uopće moguće koristiti za iste stvari.

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